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5.2. Examples

Against the following Object Type:
  "$namespace" : "",
  "$types" : [
     "$kind" : "object",
     "$content" : {
       "foo" : {
         "$type" : "string",
     "$open" : false,
     "$name" : "only-foo"
      "$kind" : "object",
      "$content" : {
        "foo" : {
          "$type" : "string",
        "bar" : {
         "$type" : "boolean",
         "$optional" : true
    "$name" : "foo-bar-and-arrays"
The objects { "foo" : "bar" } and { "foo" : "foo" } are valid against the Type named "Q{}only-foo" because the foo pairs are strings.
The object {} is not because the foo pair is missing.
The object { "foo" : "bar", "bar" : "foo" } is not because no other pair than "foo" is allowed (closed Object Type).
Against the Type named "Q{}only-foo":
The objects { "foo" : "bar", "foobar" : [ "foo" ] } and { "foo" : "bar", "bar" : true } are valid because the foo pairs are strings, bar is optional and the Object Type is $open.
The objects {} and { "bar" : "foo" } and { "foo" : "bar", "bar" : "foo" } are not because the foo pair is missing or the bar pair is not a boolean.