An atomic is a non-structured value that is annotated with a type.
JSONiq atomic values follow the W3C specification.
JSONiq supports most atomic values available in the W3C specification. They are described in Chapter The JSONiq type system. JSONiq furthermore defines an additional atomic value, null, with a type of its own, jn:null, which does not exist in the W3C specification.
In particular, JSONiq supports all core JSON values. Note that JSON numbers correspond to three different types in JSONiq.
string: all JSON strings.
integer: all JSON numbers that are integers (no dot, no exponent), infinite range.
decimal: all JSON numbers that are decimals (no exponent), infinite range.
double: IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating point numbers (corresponds to JSON numbers with an exponent).
boolean: the JSON booleans true and false.
null: the JSON null.