
This function iterates on the input sequence. It projects objects by filtering their pairs and leaves non-objects intact.

declare function project($seq as item*, $keys as string*) as item*
  for $item in $seq
  return typeswitch ($item)
         case $object as object return
           for $key in keys($object)
           where some $to-project in $keys satisfies $to-project eq $key
           let $value := $object.$key
           return { $key : $value }
         default return $item

Example 188. Projecting an object 1

let $o := {
  "Captain" : "Kirk",
  "First Officer" : "Spock",
  "Engineer" : "Scott"
return project($o, ("Captain", "First Officer"))

Result (run with Zorba): { "Captain" : "Kirk", "First Officer" : "Spock" }

Example 189. Projecting an object 2

let $o := {
  "Captain" : "Kirk",
  "First Officer" : "Spock",
  "Engineer" : "Scott"
return project($o, "XQuery Evangelist")

Result (run with Zorba): { }