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3.6. Derived Type properties

A Derived Type has the following properties:
There are the following constraints on these properties:
Here is an example of an invalid Schema Document, because it does not fulfill many of the above constraints.
  "$namespace" : "",
  "$types" : [
      "$kind" : "atomic",
      "$name" : "type1",
      "$baseType" : "unbound:type", (: prefix is not bound :)
      "$maxInclusive" : 4
      "$kind" : "atomic",
      "$name" : "Q{}type2", (: the namespace must match that of the Schema document :)
      "$baseType" : "integer",
      "$maxInclusive" : 4
      "$kind" : "atomic",
      "$name" : "Q{}type3",
      "$baseType" : "object", (: base type MUST also be an atomic type :)
      "$maxInclusive" : 4
      "$kind" : "object",
      "$name" : "object1",
      "$baseType" : "type1" (: base type MUST be "object":)
      "$content" : {}
      "$kind" : "object",
      "$name" : "object2",
      "$baseType" : "object1" (: base type MUST be "object":)
There are two facets common to all types:
  "$namespace" : "",
  "$types" : [
      "$kind" : "object"
      (: "$baseType" : "object" is implicit :)
      "$name" : "two-objects",
      "$enumeration" : [ { "foo" : "bar" }, {} ] (: only these two objects :)
      "$kind" : "array"
      (: "$baseType" : "array" is implicit :)
      "$name" : "uniform-array",
      "$constraints" : [ "every $i in 1 to size($$) satisfies deep-equals($$($i), $$(1))" ]  (: all members must be the same :)
The following JSON object is valid against Q{}two-objects.
{ "foo" : "bar" }
The following JSON array is valid against Q{}uniform-array.
[ 42, 42, 42 ]