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Chapter 1. JSONiq: Use Cases

XQuery for JSON, JSON for XQuery

1.1. Sample Queries
1.1.1. Joins
1.1.2. Grouping Queries for JSON
1.1.3. JSON to JSON Transformations
1.1.4. Converting XML to JSON
1.1.5. Transforming JSON to SVG
1.1.6. Transforming Arrays to HTML Tables
1.1.7. Windowing Queries
1.1.8. JSON views in middleware
1.1.9. JSON Updates
1.1.10. Data Transformations
On the Internet, most data is exchanged and processed using JSON or XML, and displayed using HTML. These languages have a great deal in common: they are based on named structures that can be nested, using a Unicode-based representation that is both human-readable and machine-readable. HTML is optimized for representing web pages, XML is optimized for representing document data, and JSON is optimized for representing programming language structures. In many applications, programmers work with only one of these formats. In many others, programmers work with all three.
JSON has been called a fat free alternative to XML[1]. Markup for programming structures does not need XML namespaces, whitespace-handling rules, the distinction between elements and attributes, or a structure designed to support document order. Markup for programming structures does need datatypes. XML can support datatypes via XML Schema, a very complex specification that does not correspond closely to the type system of most programming languages, or it can be used without datatype support. Neither is optimal for programming structures. For traditional programming structures, programming with JSON is significantly easier than programming with XML.
There is currently no standard query language for JSON. XQuery is the standard query language for XML, and has been implemented in databases, streaming processors, data integration platforms, application integration platforms, XML message routing software, web browser plugins, and other environments. JSONiq is a query language based on XQuery; it is designed to allow an existing XQuery processor to be rewritten to support JSON with moderate effort. JSONiq defines a profile called XQ-- that is based on XQuery, removing expressions that support constructing and navigating XML, and adding expressions that support constructing and navigating JSON. Syntax diagrams for XQ-- are available at Because JSON is so much simpler than XML, XQ-- is much simpler than XQuery, for both users and implementers. XQ-- also makes it much easier to write middleware using JSON as a logical model, because JSON more closely resembles the data typically processed in middleware, and allows a much simpler type system.
But programmers who work with JSON often work with XML and HTML as well. In some applications, XML is used because it can better represent document-oriented data such as medical records, legal documents, pharmaceutical trial data, or news feeds. In other applications, standards or existing software systems may require data to be produced or consumed as XML. Many applications require data to be converted to HTML formats; some use HTML documents as source data. To support such applications, JSONiq defines a profile called XQ++ that includes the complete XQuery language, adding the same JSON extensions found in XQ--. Syntax diagrams for XQ++ are available at
JSONiq is useful for applications like these:

1.1. Sample Queries

1.1.1. Joins

The following queries are based on a social media site that allows users to interact with their friends. collection("users") contains data on users and their friends:
  "name" : "Sarah",
  "age" : 13,
  "gender" : "female",
  "friends" : [ "Jim", "Mary", "Jennifer"]

  "name" : "Jim",
  "age" : 13,
  "gender" : "male",
  "friends" : [ "Sarah" ]
The following query performs a join on Sarah's friend list to return the Object representing each of her friends:
for $sarah in collection("users")
    $friend in collection("users")
where $sarah("name") = "Sarah"
  and (some $name in libjn:members($sarah("friends"))
       satisfies $friend("name") = $name)
return $friend
The query can be simplified using a filter. In the following expression, [.("name") = "Sarah"] is a filter that restricts the set of users to the one named "Sarah". The following query returns the same results as the previous one:
let $sarah := collection("users")[.("name") = "Sarah"]
for $friend in libjn:members($sarah("friends"))
return collection("users")[.("name") = $friend]

1.1.2. Grouping Queries for JSON[2]

collection("sales") is an unordered sequence that contains the following objects:
{ "product" : "broiler", "store number" : 1, "quantity" : 20  },
{ "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 100 },
{ "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 50 },
{ "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 50 },
{ "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 100 },
{ "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 150 },
{ "product" : "socks", "store number" : 1, "quantity" : 500 },
{ "product" : "socks", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 10 },
{ "product" : "shirt", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 10 }
We want to group sales by product, across stores.
  for $sales in collection("sales")
  let $pname := $sales("product")
  group by $pname
  return $pname : sum($sales("quantity"))
  "blender" : 250,
  "broiler" : 20,
  "shirt" : 10,
  "socks" : 510,
  "toaster" : 200
Now let's do a more complex grouping query, showing sales by category within each state. We need further data to describe the categories of products and the location of stores.
collection("products") contains the following data:
{ "name" : "broiler", "category" : "kitchen", "price" : 100, "cost" : 70 },
{ "name" : "toaster", "category" : "kitchen", "price" : 30, "cost" : 10 },
{ "name" : "blender", "category" : "kitchen", "price" : 50, "cost" : 25 },
{ "name" : "socks", "category" : "clothes", "price" : 5, "cost" : 2 },
{ "name" : "shirt", "category" : "clothes", "price" : 10, "cost" : 3 }
collection("stores") contains the following data:
{ "store number" : 1, "state" : CA },
{ "store number" : 2, "state" : CA },
{ "store number" : 3, "state" : MA },
{ "store number" : 4, "state" : MA }
The following query groups by state, then by category, then lists individual products and the sales associated with each.
  for $store in collection("stores")
  let $state := $store("state")
  group by $state
  return {
    $state : jn:object(
      for $product in collection("products")
      let $category := $product("category")
      group by $category
      return {
        $category : jn:object(
          for $sales in collection("sales")
          where $sales("store number") = $store("store number")
            and $sales("product") = $product("name")
          let $pname := $sales("product")
          group by $pname
          return $pname : sum( $sales("quantity") )
  "CA" : {
      "clothes" : {
         "socks" :  510
      "kitchen" : {
         "broiler" : 20,
         "toaster" : 150
  "MA" : {
      "clothes" : {
         "shirt" : 10
      "kitchen" : {
         "blender" : 250,
         "toaster" : 50

1.1.3. JSON to JSON Transformations

The following query takes satellite data, and summarizes which satellites are visible. The data for the query is a simplified version of a Stellarium file that contains this information.
  "creator" : "Satellites plugin version 0.6.4",
  "satellites" : {
    "AAU CUBESAT" : {
      "tle1" : "1 27846U 03031G 10322.04074654  .00000056  00000-0  45693-4 0  8768",
      "visible" : false
    "AJISAI (EGS)" : {
      "tle1" : "1 16908U 86061A 10321.84797408 -.00000083  00000-0  10000-3 0  3696",
      "visible" : true
    "AKARI (ASTRO-F)" : {
      "tle1" : "1 28939U 06005A 10321.96319841  .00000176  00000-0  48808-4 0  4294",
      "visible" : true
We want to query this data to return a summary that looks like this.
  "visible" : [
     "AJISAI (EGS)",
     "AKARI (ASTRO-F)"
  "invisible" : [
The following is a JSONiq query that returns the desired result.
let $sats := jn:json-doc("satellites.json")("satellites")
return {
  "visible" : [
     for $sat in jn:keys($sats)
     where $sats($sat)("visible")
     return $sat
  "invisible" : [
     for $sat in jn:keys($sats)
     where not($sats($sat)("visible"))
     return $sat

1.1.4. Converting XML to JSON

JSON programmers frequently need to convert XML to JSON. The following query is based on a Wikipedia XML export format, using data from the category "Origami". Here is an excerpt of this data:

      <title>Kawasaki's theorem</title>
          <username>Some jerk on the Internet</username>

!!! SNIP !!!

      <title>Origami techniques</title>

!!! SNIP !!!

      <title>Mathematics of paper folding</title>
The following query converts this data to JSON:
for $page in doc("Wikipedia-Origami.xml")//page
return {
  "title": string($page/title),
  "id" : string($page/id),
  "last updated" : string($page/revision[1]/timestamp),
  "authors" : [
       for $a in $page/revision/contributor/username
       return string($a)
  "title" : "Kawasaki's theorem",
  "id" : "14511776",
  "last updated" : "2011-06-21T20:08:56Z",
  "timestamp" : "2011-06-21T20:08:56Z",
  "authors" : ["Some jerk on the Internet" ]
  "title" : "Origami techniques",
  "id" : "193590",
  "last updated" : "2011-08-31T17:21:49Z",
  "timestamp" : "2011-08-31T17:21:49Z",
  "authors" : ["Dmcq" ]
  "title" : "Mathematics of paper folding",
  "id" : "232840",
  "last updated" : "2011-07-23T09:10:42Z",
  "timestamp" : "2011-07-23T09:10:42Z",
  "authors" : ["Tabletop" ]

1.1.5. Transforming JSON to SVG

Suppose a JavaScript implementation provides an interface for JSONiq queries, and a JavaScript program contains the following data [3]:
var data = {
   "color" : "blue",
   "closed" : true,
   "points" : [[10,10], [20,10], [20,20], [10,20]]
This data can be converted to SVG by placing the text of a query in a JavaScript variable and calling the appropriate JavaScript function to invoke the query:
var query =
 "declare variable $input external;
  declare variable $stroke := attribute $stroke { $input("color") };
  declare variable $points := attribute $points { jn:flatten($input("points")) };
  if ($input("closed")) then
    <svg><polygon>{ $stroke, $points }</polygon></svg>
    <svg><polyline>{ $stroke, $points }</polyline></svg>"
This query can be invoked with a JavaScript API call:
jsoniq(data, query)
Here is the result of the above query:
<svg><polygon stroke="blue" points="10 10 20 10 20 20 10 20" /></svg>

1.1.6. Transforming Arrays to HTML Tables

The data in a JSON array is frequently displayed using HTML tables. The following query shows how to transform from the former to the latter.
The following Object contains the labels desired for columns and rows, as well as the data for the table.
  "col labels" : ["singular", "plural"],
  "row labels" : ["1p", "2p", "3p"],
  "data" :
        ["spinne", "spinnen"],
        ["spinnst", "spinnt"],
        ["spinnt", "spinnen"]
The following query creates an HTML table, using the column headings and row labels as well as the data in the Object shown above.
  <tr> (: Column headings :)
     <th> </th>,
     for $th in jn:members((jn:json-doc("table.json")("col labels")))
     return <th>{ $th }</th>
  {  (: Data for each row :)
     for $r at $i in jn:members((jn:json-doc("table.json")("data")))
           <td>{ jn:members(jn:json-doc("table.json")("row labels")($i)) }</td>,
           for $c in jn:members($r)
           return <td>{ $c }</td>

1.1.7. Windowing Queries

XQuery provides support for both sliding windows and tumbling windows, frequently used to analyze event streams or other sequential data. This simple windowing example converts a sequence of items to a table with three columns (using as many rows as necessary), and assigns a row number to each row.
  { "color" : "Green" },
  { "color" : "Pink" },
  { "color" : "Lilac" },
  { "color" : "Turquoise" },
  { "color" : "Peach" },
  { "color" : "Opal" },
  { "color" : "Champagne" }
  for tumbling window $w in jn:members(jn:json-doc("colors.json"))
    start at $x when fn:true()
    end at $y when $y - $x = 2
      for $i in $w
        <td>{ $i }</td>

1.1.8. JSON views in middleware

This example assumes a middleware system that presents relational tables as JSON arrays. The following two tables are used as sample data.
Table 1.1. Users
userid firstname lastname
W0342 Walter Denisovich
M0535 Mick Goulish

The JSON representation this particular implementation provides for the above table looks like this:
  { "userid" : "W0342", "firstname" : "Walter", "lastname" : "Denisovich" },
  { "userid" : "M0535", "firstname" : "Mick", "lastname" : "Goulish" }
Table 1.2. Holdings
userid ticker shares
W0342 DIS 153212312
M0535 DIS 10
M0535 AIG 23412

The JSON representation this particular implementation provides for the above table looks like this:
  { "userid" : "W0342", "ticker" : "DIS", "shares" : 153212312 },
  { "userid" : "M0535", "ticker" : "DIS", "shares" : 10 },
  { "userid" : "M0535", "ticker" : "AIG", "shares" : 23412 }
The following query uses the fictitious vendor's vendor:table() function to retrieve the values from a table, and creates an Object for each user, with a list of the user's holdings in the value of that Object.
  for $u in vendor:table("Users")
  order by $u("userid")
  return jn:object(
    libjn:project($u, "userid"),
      "first" :  $u("firstname"),
      "last" :   $u("lastname"),
      "holdings" : [
        for $h in vendor:table("Holdings")
        where $h("userid") = $u("userid")
        order by $h("ticker")
        return jn:object(
          libjn:project($h, "ticker"),
          { "share" : $h("shares") }

1.1.9. JSON Updates

The XQuery Update Facility allows XML data to be updated. JSONiq provides updating functions to allow JSON to be updated.
Suppose an application receives an order that contains a credit card number, and needs to put the user on probation.
Data for an order:
  "user" : "Deadbeat Jim",
  "credit card" : VISA 4111 1111 1111 1111,
  "product" : "lottery tickets",
  "quantity" : 243
collection("users") contains the data for each individual user:
  "name" : "Deadbeat Jim",
  "address" : "1 E 161st St, Bronx, NY 10451",
  "risk tolerance" : "high"
The following query adds "status" : "credit card declined" to the user's record.
let $dbj := collection("users")[ .("name") = "Deadbeat Jim" ]
return insert json { "status" : "credit card declined" } into $dbj
After the update is finished, the user's record looks like this:
  "name" : "Deadbeat Jim",
  "address" : "1 E 161st St, Bronx, NY 10451",
  "status" : "credit card declined",
  "risk tolerance" : "high"

1.1.10. Data Transformations

Many applications need to modify data before forwarding it to another source. The XQuery Update Facility provides an expression called a tranform expression that can be used to create modified copies. The transform expression uses updating expressions to perform a transformation. JSONiq defines updating functions for JSON, which can be used in the XQuery transform expression.
Suppose an application make videos available using feeds from Youtube. The following data comes from one such feed:
    "encoding" : "UTF-8",
    "feed" : {
        "author" : [
                "name" : {
                    "$t" : "YouTube"
                "uri" : {
                    "$t" : ""
        "category" : [
                "scheme" : "",
                "term" : ""
        "entry" : [
                "app$control" : {
                    "yt$state" : {
                        "$t" : "Syndication of this video was restricted by its owner.",
                        "name" : "restricted",
                        "reasonCode" : "limitedSyndication"
                "author" : [
                        "name" : {
                            "$t" : "beyonceVEVO"
                        "uri" : {
                            "$t" : ""
!!! SNIP !!!
The following query creates a modified copy of the feed by removing all entries that restrict syndication.
let $feed := jn:json-doc("incoming.json")
   copy $out := $feed
      let $feed := $out("feed")
      let $feed-entry := $feed("entry")
      for $entry at $pos in jn:members( $feed-entry )
      where $entry("app$control")("yt$state")("name") = "restricted"
      return delete json $feed-entry($pos)
   return $out

[2] These queries are based on similar queries in the XQuery 3.0 Use Cases.
[3] This example is based on an example on Stefan Goessner's JSONT site (